Sunday School Classes

Sunday School Classes
The following Sunday School Classes are offered at Millersville Bible Church from 9:45-10:45 a.m. each Sunday morning.

Nursery – Infant thru two years Nursery Policy

Children’s Classes – Ages 2yrs. to 6th grade

Jr./Sr. High School Classes – 7th-12th grade students

Young Adults – This class is for those who have graduated from High School and are in the college and career part of their lives. Teacher: Steve Scheidt

Newly Married (less than 5 years) Class Leader: Ben Markey

Renewed 247 (married 5-15 years) Class Leader: Brad Halladay

10:24 (30’s-40’s) Teacher: Pastor Eric

BridgeBuilders (40’s-50’s) Teachers: Gene Strait

Turning Point (50’s-60’s) Teacher: Ron Risser

Senior Adults