

Sunday School




9:45 - 10:45

Open to infants through two years old.  If your family is new to the MBC nursery please check out our MBC Nursery Parent Brochure.

MBC’s Nursery Ministry exists to provide a safe, loving, and enjoyable environment for children, so that parents may participate in other MBC ministries.

Nursery Policies

MBC’s Nursery Ministry exists to provide a safe, loving, and enjoyable environment for children, so that parents may participate in other MBC ministries.  Nursery Staff Policy and Procedures 

Check in and Pick up

When you come to the MBC Kids check-in area, please type your phone number into the iPad and select the children you will be checking in. Your child’s sticker will print along with a parent tag.

When you bring your child to the nursery please sign in on the clipboard and mark other important info, cubby number, pager, if your child can have snacks, etc.

Pick Up

Please be courteous of the nursery volunteers and arrive on time to pick up your child at the end of the services. Remember to bring your parent tag so you can pick up your child. 


Please be mindful of the delicate nature of transition times between services.  Pick up and drop off should be short and sweet.  Those times are not good times to have lengthy conversations with the nursery workers.  Some children struggle with the constant opening and closing of the doors so we ask that you be sensitive to those children.


Child Information

Please complete a child information sheet for your child so we are aware of any allergies or special needs your child may have. These are available to complete on the iPad the first time you check in your child, online or by using the QR code above. Please update your child’s information every September in Breeze.


The phone numbers you provide on the child information sheet will be on your child’s nametag.  We will text you if the need arises. On occasion the text system can be used if your child struggles with the drop-off transition. Please tell the nursery workers if you would like a text telling you “all is well.”

You may also elect to take a pager, located in the nursery entry, so nursery staff can contact you.  We suggest you take a pager if you know the area of the church you are in has spotty coverage.

Please be sure that all diaper bags, snacks and cups are labeled.  That is a great help to the workers as they serve your child. If your child is Potty Training, please place one of the blue potty-training stickers on your child when you drop them off in the nursery.



We are concerned about the health of all the children in our care. Much attention is given to keeping the nursery clean. Please do not place your child in the nursery if he has displayed any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, rash, open sores, or runny nose (anything but clear).


IMPORTANT – There is a number on your child’s tag that matches your parent tag number.  You must bring that parent sticker with you when picking up your child and show this to the staff in your child’s class. Your child’s sticker also has your phone number and other important information on it. If another family member or friend is picking up your child, they need to have your parent tag to pick up your child.

Sleeping Rooms and Mom's Rooms

There is a separate room within the infant nursery that contains pack-n-plays for sleeping babies and a rocking chair for breastfeeding mothers.


Mom’s Rooms – There are two mom’s nursing rooms. One is located in the MBC Kids’ Wing, and is the first door on your left.  The other is located on the 2nd floor. It is the first door on your left as you exit the stairwell.